Friday, April 25, 2014

Turntable Setup

Just a quick update here as I get the turntable set up to display the work I've done so far. Work continues on the male leather armor now that I have mudbox working here, and I've created a simple turntable. I'm having some issues with Maya 2014 however so I'm being forced to upgrade to Maya 2015 before I can render out the work.

This is an example of what's going on right now. When I go to render anything out in the current version it renders for a fraction of a second before immediately stopping, so I'm guessing it's a problem that will be solved by ugrading.

As far as the male armor goes, that bit is nearly done, and essentially just needs the detail work as well as the shading and hi-lights to be added.

As soon as these are completed I'm going to start layering all of the textures that I have avaliable. Including the base I want to have at least three texture layer sets, so I'm going to try cranking out some chainmail/ringmail for both genders this coming week. Layering will also allow for different skintones (easily) and facial expressions once I get it working.

All right, that's it for now.

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